California Girls State & Girls State Alumnae Foundation Fact Sheet
We all know that it can sometimes be difficult to put into words just exactly what ALA California Girls State is. The following are a few key points when talking to potential donors. Make sure you are clear that we are fundraising for the Girls State Alumnae Foundation (GSAF) to support ALA California Girls State.
What is the Girls State Alumnae Foundation?
What is California Girls State?
What are the benefits to the delegate?
Why should I donate?
What is the Girls State Alumnae Foundation?
- A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to support and promote the American Legion Auxiliary's California Girls State Program and its alumnae.
- GSAF’s goal is to support and promote ALA Girls State, provide alumnae scholarships, internships, and professional development opportunities, and build a network of extraordinary women leaders across the Golden State and the nation.
What is California Girls State?
- A one-of-a-kind six-day summer program by the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) that empowers young women from different cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds across California through teaching responsible citizenship, governance, leadership, respectful dialogue, resiliency, and sisterhood.
- Over 520 delegates represent cross-sections of California and have been selected based on strong academic performance, dedication to community service, and leadership potential.
- Participants create a mock government where they have the opportunity to:
- run for elected office and serve on the city, county, and state level
- learn about the legislative process
- discuss political and social issues
- be involved in extra activities such as mock trial or the Girls State newspaper
- Each delegate is sponsored by a local ALA Unit and is only required to submit a small registration fee of $50. Units will even cover that fee for girls from low-income families, and in most cases fundraise to cover the cost of transportation to the program. This ensures diversity and opportunities for girls to participate regardless of socio-economic background. The rest of the $425 cost to sponsor a delegate is raised by the local ALA unit.
- The staff is comprised of college and graduate students, attorneys, nurses, teachers, legislative assistants, accountants, businesswomen, and mothers, just to name a few. A core group of dedicated volunteers work year round to plan and prepare for the following year.
- Over 31,500 women have participated in ALA California Girls State
- Over 50% of the most recent 2016 delegates are from a racial/ethnic minority
What are the benefits to the delegate?
- Opportunity to learn about local and state political processes
- Leadership development
- Engage in discussions with those of differing beliefs and develop own “voice”
- Develop greater levels of self-confidence and empowerment and prepare for senior year of high school beyond
- Become part of a valuable network of highly driven women
- Become part of Girls State sisterhood. Many delegate develop life-long friends through participation in the program
Why should I donate?
- The California Girls State Alumnae Foundation is committed to raising money to:
- Offer $4000 in full and matching grants, especially for new high schools that are not currently sponsored by an ALA Unit.
- Maintain our $1000 scholarships to the Outstanding Citizen, a Blue Star Banner Citizen, a college student, and a graduate student
- Continue our existing material support of the Girls State program ($5000+ per year)
- Continue our paid internship program (now expanded to three interns!) within GSAF
- Donations will make a direct impact on the lives of students selected to attend California Girls State. A donation is an investment in our future leaders and community builders.
- The total 6-day program cost is approximately $230,000. The summer fundraiser goal of $10,000 will kick off this year’s fundraising efforts.
- Costs:
- $25 to sponsor meals for a day for one delegate
- $75 to sponsor one dorm room for a night
- $200 to provide a matching grant to an American Legion Auxiliary Unit
- $425 to cover one delegate fee
- Donations go directly into program support—all staff are volunteers
- The Girls State Alumnae Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Federal Tax ID: 203187027.